Sunday, April 26, 2009

I know I know

So I posted the first video again in the third video spot. It's not going to be fixed. Here it is for you though. This one is 38 seconds long.

About a week and a half ago I answered the phone. Our friend Dallas was on the other end. As soon as he asked if Guy was working today I knew it was going to be about giving a talk. Why did we make friends with a member of the Bishopric? lol Just kidding. Dallas, Kim & their five kids are loads of fun. Even if they did make me play Guitar Hero where we had to downgrade my skill level from Easy to Beginner. Yeah, I totally suck. Maybe one day I will get better. Hopefully I don't sing as off as I tried to play those notes! But back to the topic at hand. After letting him know Guy was going to be working today he let me know he was calling to see if one of us could talk in church. I think he really wanted Guy, but I was the only one left. I accepted. The topic he assigned me was personal worship. Interesting. I have been working on my personal relationship with Heavenly Father for a few months now. Isn't it interesting how he may have been thinking of asking Guy, but it was the perfect topic for me. It turns out I was the anchor speaker too. The length of the talk was to be 10-15 minutes, but as the anchor you should be able to fill in more time should the other speakers be short. I had 20 minutes when it was my turn so I added an introduction of Guy and I even though at least half the congregation already knows us. My actual talk was just over ten minutes which still left five minutes when I was done. Not bad and I did warn Dallas to be prepared last night in case there was a little time left. He had Jeff Sobas come up and share his testimony of the gospel. I think it was a great pick because he was really paying attention to the entire service. You really see everything when sitting up on the stand.

The things I took away from the radio on the way to church, the talks and our other lessons has to do with personal accountablility and being a self starter! Oh and attitude.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A few more videos for you guys

Today I finished both of my photo sessions successfully! YAY for vanquishing sickness! Recently a couple of photo groups in Flikr have been inspiring me with their awesome newborn shots. Today I had the most cooperative newborn ever to try a few ideas. They worked great, and I am really excited to edit them.

There was nothing happening to indicate a need to take this video, but I just wanted to shoot them at the moment. Well, the cutest scene unfolded involving sharing, dominance and decision making. These babies are really learning how to get along with each other, pick their battles and help one another. If you don't have much time this is the one to watch!!! (1:30)

Here is Blake walking the front porch and a look at the new baby birds in the little tree off our porch. (1:07)

This video is Blake navigating into the house to his bottle and Madison drinking her bottle. (0:38)

Video time

Whew! I am so glad the babies have backed off on the milk consumption since the first day of whole milk. They are going through about a half gallon each day. Now the trick is to get them to drink more water. It's a work in progress with them improving a little each day. I think the couple drops of lemon juice is also helping them learn to like the water.

The camera hasn't been out the last few days, but we have taken the video out. Here are four of the videos to get you started. The third video is the shortest if you only have 20 seconds. The longest is 1 1/2 minutes.

Trying to get Blake to walk, but he went up and down a few steps instead.

Some walking with a little bit of a run when he hit the downward sloping grass.

Our little Frankenstein!

And here is our snotty Madison with both babies coughing for effect.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Way back Wednesday

A year ago my babies were one week old. Crazy. We were just getting to know them and starting off a couple of months spent mostly in our bedroom when we were home. Guy picked up Moose from being boarded and we introduced him to the babies. He was so unsure of them. Do you see the panic in his eyes? They are wearing newborn sleepers in this photo which are very roomy on them. They were at the 5% and 20% for their two week checkup. It's so funny that now they are on the other end of the spectrum. We go in for their one year appointment on 5/11 so my mom can go to the appointment with them.

Babies 1 wk 29

Cheryl over at Twinfatuation sponsors a Way Back Wednesday every week to reminisce about your life. Check it out if you want to play along.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Did you hear? I'm really sick...

Babies 11 months 1875

Sometimes when you least expect it there are sharp painful things in your path. All four of us are congested and coughing at the moment. This afternoon I took the turn for the better. Guy said he was also felling better this afternoon. He was smart and started taking a decongestant as soon as he started to feel it. The babies don't get anything other then some Motrin to get rid of some of the pain associated with the cough/sore throat. Both have been handling it remarkably well. Madison pitches a fit now and again whether sick or not. She tends to holler and scream whenever she is frustrated, in pain or annoyed. A lot of the time she sounds like a cat! We watched her throw a few fits today. Blake on the other hand tends to only throw a fit when he is in pain. He's had some of that when passing gas or needing to poo recently. He'll roll around on the floor, throw himself down onto the ground or stiffen and throw his body backwards while yelling when he is in pain. I'm hoping we'll all be better very quickly.

Here's some photos from about a week ago, but they perfectly represent how we are all feeling right now.
Babies 11 months 1851

Babies 11 months 1851

Babies 11 months 1852

Today we dragged ourselves out of the house, because it was just needed! We took the boxes down to the recycling center and picked up a couple things at Wal-Mart. Upon returning we had a message on the machine. It was someone I'd talked to early today about a surprise gift for his wife. The message said he understood I was really ill and wanted to see if there was anything he could do. I called to let him know the message was perfect to get him a good reason to come over & Guy's first thought was why was he being so nice. That didn't come out right so I made sure to tell him because guys don't think of these things normally (which is sooo true). He did sound a touch offended even after that explanation. Will I ever learn? I told him it was brilliant so he would have a good excuse to come over to our house (again the surpise - if you are reading this and know who I'm talking about please keep it zipped!). So it turns out he was being sincere because he received a call from someone letting him know I had taken a turn for the worse and was probably going to the hospital. WHAT? lol Nope. Just fine here. Sick. Had a rough night sleeping. Feeling faint occasionally. Achy muscles. The normal run of the mill icky stuff. My guess is someone at church was on Facebook today where I was talking to another person they knew about being sick and feeling like crap despite still getting their shoot from Saturday done! I don't know, but it sounds like it is kind of like that game where a large group of people sit in a circle and the first one tells the next something who repeats it to the next person continuing the pattern until the comment gets back to the first person. Generally it isn't even close to the original comment. I appreciate the concern though!!! My friend Lisa did help me go to the store yesterday, because I just couldn't bear the thought of wrangling the kids & groceries (no wipes & almost out of milk so HAD to go).

In other news the birds hatched. Three little birdies all snuggled together in the nest.
Babies yr1 apr09 1029

They thought I was their mama back with a juicy worm.
Babies yr1 apr09 1031

Babies yr1 apr09 1028

Both babies love love love to beg food off their dad when he is eating. Here is a shot of Madison.
Babies 11 months 1857

I love this shot of Blake. It really shows how good he is getting at balance. We were almost out of formula so I decided to switch them to milk on their birthday Saturday. My friend Allison had said they kept some powder for when they were out and about. I thought that was a great idea and had already purchased a gallon of whole milk in anticipation of switching them. Well, dang if they didn't go through a half a gallon in the one day with part of the day on formula! Holy cow! Are we really going to go through almost a gallon a day? Wow, I hope they start to drink more of the water I offer them all the time. I did get a few lemons today to give just a hint of flavor to the water. We don't give them juice and they aren't diggin the water unless it is out of our cups.
Babies 11 months 1853

We really need to get some video of Blake walking. He is so proud of himself he keeps trying to do it more and more. Madison joins in on the congratulations by clapping for him too.
Babies 11 months 1938

Brighter days will be here soon filled with beauty and joy. You know it!
Babies 11 months 1862

Monday, April 20, 2009

All the packages - Our little birdies - Vegemite

Babies 11 months 1899

Friday I was talking to my friend, Rachael, when we were visited by two UPS and the mail lady. So much stuff being sent to us. We also received a package earlier this week too. Here are the photos. I would have put them on last nights post, but they were still uploading.

Nanny's box came first. There is a dress for Maddy, two shirts for Blake, 8 board books, a card for each of them, and it all came in a wildly printed envelope.
Babies 11 months 1907

There is also a video called Reflections of Christ. This is a video of one photographers inspiring journey. I highly recommend at least checking out the photographs if nothing else. Defininetly turn off the radio, TV and wait until your kids are asleep (or have them look with you!) when visiting the site. There is some wonderful music with it.
Babies 11 months 1908

Here are the empty boxes and envelopes from Friday.
Babies 11 months 1931

The big box had all of this stuff I left in Georgia. I guess this is what you leave behind when trying to get out of the house on a deadline, with a long drive ahead, a sick kid and only 3 hours of sleep. It's a wonder I made it home safely.
Babies 11 months 1934

The box also included two outfits and two hats for Blake, two outfits and hair bows for Madison, a cute book, two easter bunny plush toys, a card for each of them, some of my favorite soup, and a little handbag/makeup bag for me.
Babies 11 months 1933

There were cards from Donna with a Target gift card and Corri with $1 for each kiddo.
Babies 11 months 1937

Madison is pondering what to buy with the gift card
Babies 11 months 1944

They loved the sound and feel of the money 919-
Babies 11 months 1948

Babies 11 months 1951

Babies 11 months 1953

I also got the last of my sewing stuff, the movie Pinocchio, and a CD I won on Rachael's blog. Here is a link to the contest. Rachael has a teen and toddler triplets! She is also a photographer.
Babies 11 months 1935

We have a very small tree next to the porch. We found a nest in it which is only 4 feet off the ground. Easy peesy to take photos. It will be pretty cool when the eggs hatch. I put my finger in this one for reference.
Babies 11 months 1896

The mama bird flies away every time I get close.
Babies 11 months 1910

But finally with a little patience she stayed in her nest for a shot.
Babies 11 months 1909

Babies 11 months 1925

Is this
Babies 11 months 1926

you ask?
Babies 11 months 1914

The Australian treat Vegemite, of course.
Babies 11 months 1913

Madison ate some and liked it, but wasn't super interested. That is until Blake was the only one eating it.
Babies 11 months 1928

She is starting to stand a little on her own.
Babies 11 months 1929

I imagine he is telling me to make her back off.
Babies 11 months 1930

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Am I such a slacker?

Happy Birthday Blake and Madison one day late!!! I didn't throw a party for the kids. No gifts from us either. We never got around to ordering the cakes for a one year cake smash. I scheduled a photo shoot and went to a church ladies gathering on their birthday. So, am I a super slacker? NOPE! I am taking the free pass of them not knowing any better or caring yet for all it's worth.

Here are some photos from last year on the big day!

Our cute little baby A with Guy - Blake
Birth & 1st Day 04

Here's a shot of Blake under the dining table at the recipe exchange. What one year old can't stand up strait under a dining room table? They are so stinkin tall. I love the mischievous look here.
Babies yr1 apr09 1019

Our sweet little baby B with Guy - Madison
Birth & 1st Day 07

The only photo from the day of the birthday girl when we left the photo shoot. They were driven around town by a friend while I was doing my thing.
Babies yr1 apr09 1005

Here's Guy with both of them while I was being put back together
Birth & 1st Day 09

And just to show I was there... plus about 15 pounds of IV fluid swelling me up
Birth & 1st Day 14

This was almost the only time Madison was awake the next 24 hours since she was our little c-section baby. Blake was a typical natural vaginal birth baby with loads of wake time (relatively speaking, of course).
Birth & 1st Day 18

I generally tell people dessert is wasted on me. It hardly ever tastes as good as it looks. Since I have had hypoglycemia most of my life it also makes me feel bad. An awesome body change the pregnancy brought was to make my metabolism more normal! Woo hoo! I no longer have to eat every 4 hours, and I can indulge in desserts without the bad physical affects. But, that doesn't mean I really like dessert. What a weirdo to not appreciate dessert. I went to the recipe exchange (themed dessert this month) yesterday for the socializing and yummy hamburgers and hot dogs. Anyway, check out a couple of the lovely desserts the ladies enjoyed.
Babies yr1 apr09 1008

Babies yr1 apr09 1013

Sharon made Kim eat a huge spoonful of frosting.
Babies yr1 apr09 1010

A few of the ladies discussing what looked the best as they were filling their plates.
Babies yr1 apr09 1017

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our Blakey who is loving to walk!!

He isn't very good at it yet, but he is walking! Last night and today he decided to start taking the plunge. He has let go and walked a few steps a couple times every hour. We are all getting plenty of practice clapping with Madison as his biggest supporter! Go Blake!

Here are some fun things from Saturday's Easter egg hunt outing. A local church sponsered an event for the officers and firefighters families who work in Garner. How fun! Due to naps and moving a car seat Allison and I were a bit late getting there. Did you know 5 minutes in an egg hunt means it is all over? LOL Luckily they had some eggs they didn't put out so we got our very own stash of eggies to pick up.

As we rolled up Rick was there to greet the babies first.
Babies 11 months 1583

We put them down by the eggs scattered about them. They sat there. And sat there. And sat there. So we started giving them some. Madison wasn't really impressed.
Babies 11 months 1597

Blake and Guy started to walk some where Blake spotted an egg.
Babies 11 months 1586

Madison started to play with the pile in front of her.
Babies 11 months 1595

Blake started to play with his and his bag.
Babies 11 months 1607

Then we noticed the lady bug on his knee.
Babies 11 months 1609

Here is Allison and Anderson who came along with us.
Babies 11 months 1604

Rick's son Nicholas had a great time entertaining the kids.
Babies 11 months 1614

Babies 11 months 1647

Nolan was off doing his own thing.
Babies 11 months 1631

Here's his family. Steve, Kyle & Erin.
Babies 11 months 1629

Rick, Madison & Nicholas checked out the fire truck.
Babies 11 months 1624

I thought this would be a good spot to take a photo of Madison. She didn't. Being carried around by Rick was much more fun.
Babies 11 months 1626

My cute boys!
Babies 11 months 1618

Guy took some shots of Rich and Anderson. They all came out great! He is a great photog.
Babies 11 months 1641

Allison and Rich watching Anderson with his goodies.
Babies 11 months 1617

I saw this cool blue door on the side of a shed.
Babies 11 months 1656

Nicholas and the babies.
Babies 11 months 1658

Then Anderson came over to check them out.
Babies 11 months 1659

Then Madison melted.
Babies 11 months 1660

She un-melted for this shot.
Babies 11 months 1662

What is this face? lol
Babies 11 months 1673

The babe's with Anderson who is 18 months old.
Babies 11 months 1686

Is Blake seriously the most expressive child?
Babies 11 months 1687

Babies 11 months 1688

Babies 11 months 1689

Blake and Madison. Happy Easter!
Babies 11 months 1693

A shot of just Maddy
Babies 11 months 1700

Blake going in for a cuddle with the grass.
Babies 11 months 1712

Allison nabbed a shot of Madison and I.
Babies 11 months 1715

I think that's more then enough photos for now. Tomorrow I'll put more on. Make sure to check the photography blog. I have 3-4 shoots I'm going to share with you.

Ever since Saturday things that were planned to happen did not happen and things that were not planned did. We didn't even plan on going to the officers egg hunt because there was one right by my house. Well, Friday afternoon I checked the email from my friend which said it was Friday morning. Duh! I didn't plan on retaking the tub shots, but was able to. I was supposed to go visiting teaching on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both were not fully set up or canceled. Monday was a funky day so I ended up missing my softball game because it wouldn't have been very nice to guy to leave him with the kids on a bad day. Then my softball game was canceled on Tuesday due to rain. We ended up shopping in Smithfield after showing up at the church for a meeting that was obviously not at the church. We pulled out the GPS to find our way to a Freecycle pick up only to find the motorized adjustment had crushed the touch screen. We ordered a new one of those. Wednesday we ended up getting a call from a friend asking for a ride to pick up their car from the shop. Then another person he had called first left a message for him saying he was on his way. But then he asked us to come over. So we ended up going over there to play games and hang out in the evening. We played one round of Guitar Hero (can we say I super duper suck at it!?!?) and one round of Catch Phrase when the missionaries stopped by. After a nice visit we got home and put the babies to bed. There are actually more examples of all the unexpected changes this week many of which helped drain our checking account. It's been a crazy week.


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