Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday update - 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow!

The photo is of my little sister's, Tawni, 'virtual' baby shower invite. The is now on bedrest due to having been diagnosed with placenta previa. This is where the babies placenta is either partially over or completely over the cervix. For those who aren't familiar with womens anatomy the cervix is what opens for the baby to come out. The babies placenta is the source of all the baby's needs between it and the mother such as blood supply and waste treatment. In Tawni's case the placenta is completely over the cervix making it highly unlikely for it to migrate upwards as the uterus grows with the baby. She cannot dialate or deliver vaginally. If she is to dialate at all both her and the baby can die of massive blood loss. Generally delivery will occure obviously by c-section around 34 weeks according to my mom who was researching on the internet. As of last week Tawni was waiting for a referral to a perinatologist (OB specialist) and clarification on what exactly bed rest entails for her. Some obvious outs are any kind of travel, shopping, housecleaning, laundry and loads of other normal activities. Bummer. I feel for her. I'm sending a letter to her local church leaders today (the phone generally only gets answered when someone is there which is seldom during the week) to see if they can have some people locally help her out with meals, light cleaning & hopefully some companionship. Sam is going for training this Thursday for two weeks in South Carolina. She will be all alone and the only friends she has there seem to be more of the 'needy' kind and not so much the 'helpful' kind.

I'm doing the best I have in months especially considering those little monkeys are about 7 lbs together now! They also like to have most of their bodies on the right side making my right rib cage crazy hurt sometimes. The girl likes to try escaping by pusing her bum out and over my right rib cage. Putting on my socks and shoes now makes me really out of breath and hurt for a few minutes afterwards. And here is a complete TMI alert! TMI is Tooo Much Information! lol Anyway, it is getting increasingly uncomfortable to reach and wipe my booty. ha ha ha.

Did I blog about my sciatica nerve issue that started the week before last? Don't know. But anyway I went to the chiropractor last Tuesday and Thursday. Man I feel soooo much better now. It has made walking better then it has been in months. She has this really cool table that between raising and dropping leaves the belly free from pressure. And there is no twisting of the body or normal adjusting. This chiro will help anyone but has some additional education in pregnancy and baby/child chiropractic practice. My personal belief about chiropractic is to see one for treatment when you need help and keep your muscles nice and strong to maintain a proper back otherwise. Pregnancy has done a number on mine though so I definitely needed help.

Update on our housing situation. We are still going out and looking at homes every Saturday which will stop soon with Guy's schedule coming back around to working thru the weekends most of March. Our house has now had 4 showings which is a lot of traffic for our area in the two weeks it has been on the market. Maybe almost three now. All of the feedback has been excellent with one buyer who thought the floorplan would not work for them. Another buyer was just in the start of making his decision to move out here. And the last buyers want a contract on their home before making an offer on the new one. The last buyers have been by twice now. All it will take is the right people at the right time. We would like to move before the babies come or at least have the home under contract. One of the homes we went to last Saturday had new boy/girl twins about 2 months old and the place looked like a tornado hit it. I'm sure the utter chaos has scared away many a buyer for them.

The weather is finally warming up a bit here. Yeah, a bit of a clothes switch will soon be in order. Wearing the same 4 pairs of pants and the same 5 shirts gets pretty old pretty quick as a girl.

Only 8 more weeks to go until 'inducement day' if these babies want to bake in there for a long time. April 29th will be 38 of 40 weeks. My OB practice induces twins then if they don't come before hand.


Heather March 3, 2008 at 9:55 PM  

I love the invite, your sis looks beautiful! So excited about your little ones too, can't wait to see pics! :D


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