Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday update

Todays post may come across as a complaint post. Sorry in advance! Though I am very excited about our growth u/s and OB appointments this afternoon.

Last Thursday I had a whole new issue arise. In the late morning I had a pretty good pain in my lower back which worked itself out pretty quickly. From then on every time I got up to do anything it got a little worse. Well about 3:45 I got up and it hurt so bad I started crying and just broke in frustration. Seriously, what other funky trial is this pregnancy going to bring? Hmmmmm tooo many! Well, it took me about 1/2 an hour to get to the potty and back to my desk. The first person I called after work was my friend Stephanie who has had lots of back issues and is with a chiropractor. If anyone would know what the heck was wrong she would. After describing in detail the symptoms and how the pain was she said it was most likely a Siatica nerve issue. OK, well no one who has mentioned they had this issue really conveyed how stinkin bad the pain is! Sheesh. Well, she had a couple suggestions for me. One is a miracle suggestion.... She said to get down on all fours with my forearms on the floor. Then put the knee of the side causing most of the pain on a billow to raise it a little staying in that position for about 5 minutes. It totally worked! I still have pain, but it is completely managable now. YEAH!

My next big thing is Sundays. By Sunday I am worn out every week and need to rest a lot to make it thru the work week.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The big news

This is a photo over Fiji. On our last trip to Australia in September we were diverted there when heavy fog prohibited our landing in Brisbane. Everyone in Guy's family was shocked because apparently Brisbane never gets fog. So do we mark off Fiji on our world map of places we have visited? We saw it from the air and the plane window when we sat there for about an hour and a half. Pobably not...

Guy received a letter from the Gilbert police department letting us know he was not selected for a position about two or three weeks ago. We were very dissapointed at first. One thing we realized right away is this was the first big dicision we made without praying about it. Oooops. I'm not so sure we would have received a yes answer has we prayed about it.

After much thought and consideration for our next step we decided and got a yes answer to staying here in Raleigh. We also decided to sell our home here. The big debate for a while was if we should rent something or buy a less expensive home. We are going to buy a less expensive home. Most likely we will be here in the Raleigh area at least 3-5 more years.

Our house officially went on the market last Monday. No showings yet, but we aren't surprised. This is a pretty slow market this Spring. Normal traffic in our area is 1-2 showings a week. With the market being a bit slow right now we will probably see a showing every other week. The last three Saturdays our agents have been taking us around to look at the cheaper homes. While every home is a compromise compared to our current home we have not felt depressed or upset by our choices. There are always definite 'NO' homes in our search, but there are also heavy contenders each time. The first few homes we looked at that were acceptable are now all under contract. A big odd in this market, but they were the best of the best in the price range. Yesterday there was one home in particular I was interested. We definitely would need to evaluate everything very carefully and put at least $600 into inspections before buying it. The home is huge and in a very nice neighborhood with a very solid structure. The issue is that it has been vacant for 2 years. The back door had been kicked in at one point leaving the home open to the elements right there. There is some smell of animal urine right by that door and also water damage right around that opening. The carpets and vynal flooring had been removed. The back fence, deck and front steps need repair. If all of the major systems work the rest would be rather cheap and well worth about 10k under the current list price. Our agents estimated off hand (they will do the research) the market value if fixed back up would be about 35-40k over the list price. Guy and I had always said we didn't want a rehab house, but this one is certainly appealing.

Only time will tell and we really need a buyer on our home first. Here is the link for our house listing.

So with the big news we are staying in Raleigh my poor mommy is so depressed about it. Now she wont get as much baby time, and my mom is surely baby obsessed. She will love her grandbabbies bunches and bunches. Tawni's husband is probably going to be deployed to Iraq this coming September. Tawni is planning on moving in with my mom and grandma while her husband is gone.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

1st of several new blog entries

Here is my 25 week belly shot. Yep I'm 27 weeks today so this is really late! And I'm already bigger. These little monkeys are moving around and growing like crazy.


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