Friday, June 19, 2009

30 days of summer - Day 3

We spent a nice morning with Guy's parents, went to lunch at my new favorite Utah joint (Cafe Rio), uploaded a ton of photos and flew home. The flight was nice with us in the front bulkhead row. I really feel sorry for the guy who was sitting in my row that we conned into switching seats with Guy. Who knew those people next to him had a grandson who wanted to hang out in their row most of the trip. Four full size people in one row (the kid was a big 12), Yikes! Blake was very go go go action boy. I finally pinned him down for a couple minutes and he was fast asleep. Then I put him on the floor, and tried the magic clamp arms on Madison. She fought a little harder then settled in for an hour long snooze. YAY, me.

Today's photo is from the morning nap. I walked into the room to a happy Blake and an ecstatic Madison with her big grin clamped down on an empty slide. What? An empty slide! Uh oh. I walked in closer to find her play pin filled with slides she reached off the shelf. On day one the two play pins were smooshed together far enough away from any reachable objects. Apparently they were pushed slowly towards the bookshelves as Guy's dad got clothes out of the closet and we hunted for shoes and binkies thrown out. I then did something I promised never to do... I ran downstairs for the camera to try and get a shot of Madison with the slide clamped in her teeth smiling at me. "Recording bad behavior only rewards bad behavior." This has always been our school of thought. So what did I find back in their room? This shot.

30 days of Summer - Day 3

Mean mommy was supposed to get them out of bed. Not run back down for the camera. And Madison was no longer interested in biting the slide for me. Lesson learned.



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